
недеља, 6. октобар 2019.

Rosegal colorful dress

Hello lovely people, welcome to my new post! One casual but still trendy outfit. Just the way I like it. I wanted to show you this Rosegal dress that is pretty amazing, don't you think? It's really soft, interesting design and even more amazing color. Check it out here. Do you like it? Enjoy in the day! 

Zdravo dragi moji, dobro došli na moj blog! Za danas jedan opušten, a ipak trendi outfit. Baš kako volim. Pravo šarenilo boja da ulepša ovaj tmuran dan :) 
Haljina je sa Rosegala i možete je poručiti - pogledati ovde
Nadam se da vam se svidja! Uživajte u danu! 

bag/torba Mona
dress/haljina Rosegal

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