
среда, 9. октобар 2019.

4nd Birthday!

4 years ago I wrote my first post.
I have to stay that opening a blog was one of the best decisions in my life. I meet so many wonderful people, had amazing collaborations and yet is more to come!
I wanna thank you all for being here with me every day, for supporting me, for commenting, for loving and just to know I love and appreciate every single one of you. Lets go to year no 5!

Pre četrii godine napisala sam svoj prvi blog post.
Zahvaljujući blogu upoznala sam divne ljude, imala sjajne saradnje, a ono najbolje tek sledi! Hvala svima što ste uz mene svaki dan, što me podržavate, volite, komentarišete i hoću da znate da cenim i volim svakog od vas! Idemo u petu godinu! :)
PS. Ovu savršenu haljinu pogledajte OVDE

13 коментара:

  1. Čestitamo Vesna, još puno lepih godina blogovanja, druženja i saradnji! xoxo

  2. beautiful photos
    congratulations on the anniversary of the blog


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