Hello everyone!
For today a little different post.
The wuestion is: " What is fashion and what style and trend?"
The term fashion for each of us represents a different thing. For someone it is art, play, enjoyment, while for some it's just a dress.
For me, fashion is a game without borders, a style is something you are born, you either have or you do not.
Trends are shifting speed of light depends on the inspiration and mood, while the style is marked by force and individuality person. The style attracts attention because it is always unique and peculiar to one person.
Just because every day I received compliments on account of my style and way of dressing, and I decided to open my blog. I wanted to share with others my way of expressing fashion, playing the colors, merge incompatible.
What is fashion for you?
Enjoy your weekend and remember this quote "Fashion fades, style is eternal." Yves Saint Laurent
Zdravo drage moje!
Za danas jedan malo drugačiji post.
Glavno pitanje glasi: "Šta je moda, a šta stil i trend?"
Pojam moda za svakog od nas prestavlja različitu stvar. Za nekoga je to umetnost, igra, uživanje, dok za nekog je to samo odevanje.
Za mene moda je igra bez granica, a stil je nešto sa čime se rodiš, što ili imaš, ili nemaš.
Trendovi se smenjuju brzinom svetlosti, zavise od inspiracije i raspoloženja, dok je stil obeležen snagom i individualnošću osobe. Stil privlači pažnju jer je uvek jedinstven i svojstven jednoj osobi.
Baš iz razloga što sam svaki dan dobijala komplimente na račun mog stila i načina oblačenja i rešila sam da otvorim blog. Želela sam da sa drugima podelim moj način izražavanja modom, igranje bojama, spajanje nespojivog.
A šta je za vas moda?
Uživajte u vikendu i zapamtite čuveni citat "MODA JE PROLAZNA, STIL JE VEČAN." Yves Saint Laurent
Ovo su samo neke od mojih omiljenih kombinacija :)
This is my favourite fashion outfit's. :)
moja email adresa: v.markovic434@gmail.com
moj instagram profil: https://www.instagram.com/vesna.markovic66/
moja fb stranica: https://www.facebook.com/Fashion-lifestyle-beauty-blogger-VESNA-909973235749532/
Slazem se u potpunosti :-) Trendovi se smenjuju brzinom svetlosti, ali stil opstaje i neguje se. Odlicni outfit-i! Lep primer drugima svakako.